Debbie Crist

Senior Research Associate

Financial, Database

Earned her B.A. in Biological Sciences and Secondary Education from Wittenberg University, and was later certified in Elementary Education at OSU. She worked at Charles F. Kettering Research Laboratory in Yellow Springs, OH for seven years working with Rhizobium and Medicago sativa (alfalfa) and Glycine max (soybean), as well as Azolla (an aquatic fern) and their roles in nitrogen fixation. She began working in the Agronomy Department at The Ohio State University in 1986 with W. Dietz Bauer, continuing her work with nitrogen fixation. She also worked with Dave Coplin in Plant Pathology, and with J. Kent Peters in the OSU Plant Biotechnology Center. Debbie began working with Randy Scholl when ABRC was established, and currently manages all database activities and the financial operation of ABRC.


BA, Biological Sciences, Elementary and Secondary Education certification

Area of Expertise

Filemaker database design and development, Administration and data management