Name / Stock Number: CS2110787

NASC stock number: N2110787

donor stock number: dex control UBQ10prom::GVG::6UAS::MAP-3xmCHERRY

other name: MAP-3xmCH

Resource Type: seed

Availability: available

  • Yvon Jaillais

Donation Date: 09/13/2021

Date Released: 10/05/2021


Transgenic line. iDePP system generic control (MAP-3xmCH) to test for the possible side effects of the dex/glucocorticoid-inducible system/MAP. Consists of three mCherry fluorescent proteins fused to a membrane anchoring peptide (MAP, myristoylation and palmitoylation) with expression driven by a dexamethasone (dex)-inducible promoter. Col-0 plants were transformed by floral dipping. Hygromycin resistant. Homozygous for the transgene. This line is part of the iDePP set of lines (CS2110797).

Growth Requirement: induction upon dexamathasone (dex) treatment

Marker: hygromycin

Background: Col (Columbia)

ABRC Comment:

Format Shipped: 100 seeds per vial

Base / Commercial Price: $13 / $104



Arabidopsis thaliana 3702

Additional Information

DOI PubMed
10.1038/s41477-021-00907-z 34007035
Transgene Description Promoter Reporter Marker
UBQ10prom::GVG::6UAS::MAP-3xmCHERRY 3xmCherry fused to a membrane anchoring peptide, expression driven by a dexamethasone (dex)-inducible promoter UBQ10 3xmCherry hygromycin

Quality Control Comments

There is no quality control data for this stock.