Name / Stock Number: CS72295

NASC stock number: N72295

donor stock number: SALK_109175C_F2_HL

Resource Type: seed

Availability: available

  • Ruth Welti
  • Hannah Lusk

Donation Date: 08/30/2019

Date Released: 10/18/2019


Confirmed T-DNA insertion mutant derived from SALK_109175C. Original SALK_109175C was found to have an altered lipid phenotype that appears to be due to an additional mutation in FAD6 (At4g30950). SALK_109175C was crossed with wild type Col-0 and, in the F2 generation, the lipid alterations did not co-segregate with the T-DNA insertion in At5g64790. Donated seeds are products of the SALK_109175C and wild type Col-0 cross that are homozygous for the insertion in At5g64790, but do not have the lipid alteration.

Growth Requirement: none


Background: Col (Columbia)

ABRC Comment:

Format Shipped: 100 seeds per vial

Base / Commercial Price: $13 / $104



Arabidopsis thaliana 3702

Additional Information

Transgene Description Promoter Reporter Marker
pROK2 T-DNA kanamycin

Quality Control Comments

There is no quality control data for this stock.