New Stocks Released

Date Created Title Description Stocks
07/25/2019 New seed donation from the Mendoza-Cozatl lab Transgenic seed line for dynamic imaging of how leaves respond to changes in iron availability. CS72221
07/24/2019 New seed stocks from the Katagiri lab Seed lines expressing estradiol-inducible AvrRpt2 in the Col-0 and various mutant backgrounds. CS72206, CS72207, CS72208, CS72209, CS72210, CS72211, CS72212, CS72213, CS72214, CS72215, CS72216, CS72217, CS72218, CS72219, CS72220
07/23/2019 Seed lines donated by the Dangl lab Transgenic seed lines expressing RIN4 AvrB binding site mutants, described in Cell Host & Microbe, Chung et al. (2011) Specific Threonine Phosphorylation of a Host Target by Two Unrelated Type III Effectors Activates a Host Innate Immune Receptor in Plants. DOI 10.1016/j.chom.2011.01.009 CS72196, CS72197, CS72198, CS72199, CS72200, CS72201, CS72202, CS72203, CS72204, CS72205
07/16/2019 New plasmids available from the Bailey-Serres lab Arabidopsis promoter constructs published in PNAS, Mustroph et al. (2009) Profiling translatomes of discrete cell populations resolves altered cellular priorities during hypoxia in Arabidopsis. DOI: 10.1073/pnas.0906131106 CD3-2735, CD3-2736, CD3-2737, CD3-2738, CD3-2739, CD3-2740, CD3-2741, CD3-2742, CD3-2743, CD3-2744, CD3-2745, CD3-2746, CD3-2747, CD3-2748, CD3-2749
07/15/2019 Seed stocks donated by the Glazebrook lab Double and triple mutants generated in studies on regulators of salicylic acid accumulation and immunity in Arabidopsis. CS72190, CS72191, CS72192, CS72193, CS72194, CS72195
07/12/2019 Transcription factor collections donated by the Ecker lab Transcription factors in pDBLox and pADlox bait and prey vectors. CD4-94, CD4-95
07/11/2019 Seed lines from the Katagiri lab Multiple mutant lines of genes involved in plant pathogen immunity. CS72168, CS72169, CS72170, CS72171, CS72172, CS72173, CS72174, CS72175, CS72176, CS72177, CS72178, CS72179, CS72180, CS72181, CS72182, CS72183, CS72184, CS72185, CS72186, CS72187, CS72188, CS72189
06/26/2019 New Arabidopsis ecotype from the Knee lab Tintern-0 ecotype collected at Tintern Abbey, Monmouthshire, UK CS28986
06/12/2019 Additional amiRNA seed pools (TFB and TEC) now available from the Schroeder lab 2 amiRNA seed pools for screening functionally redundant genes in Arabidopsis. CS99430, CS99431
06/06/2019 New seed lines from the Quail lab 2 transgenic Arabidopsis seed lines overexpressing phytochrome interacting factors PIF3 and PIF7. CS72166, CS72167